This course provides an introduction to the tactics and strategies for implementing constructive modifications in organizations. The purpose of this course is to help students to understand and manage change in organizations.Learning objectivesThrough this course, students will:develop a thorough...
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In this course we examine what effective leadership means and how it can be practiced. We will find, if we did not know it already, that leadership does not reside in one single individual but can be found in the actions of many different people in organizations. As present and future leaders you...
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In this course we will work to clarify what hinders acceptance of differences in the workplace, take a closer look at some of the problems various individuals face in the workplace, and then consider effective leadership techniques that will lead to a more effective bridging of differences in the...
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The overall objective of this course is to help you develop political intelligence: A systematic awareness of the presence and dynamics of political forces in organizations and the different styles and strategies for acquiring and managing power. This course will equip you with the ability to...
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Managing and working in a family business presents unique challenges: family issues can conflict with business issues. This course examines governance structures and tools to manage the interface between the family and the business.Learning objectivesThis course has four basic objectives:to...
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The purpose of COHR 406 is to familiarize students with the context, practices, and achievements of International Human Resources Management.Learning objectivesAfter completing this course students will:be aware of the various dimensions of the international context that affect HRM.understand the...
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This course is designed to build upon the frameworks covered in Introduction to Management Consulting and to sharpen your ability to diagnose and solve a broad range of organizational problems from the perspective of an organizational consultant. Through a sequence of readings, lectures, cases,...
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Today’s business organizations are facing unprecedented challenges, characterized by rapid technological changes and globalized competition. Technological advantage, financial planning, marketing skills are important for business success, but they must be coupled with skilled organizational design...
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This course is designed to encourage more expansive, critical, and creative ways of thinking about organizations, society, and the role of the individual in each. This will be accomplished by taking an interdisciplinary perspective on bureaucracies, businesses, governments, and other forms of...
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This course is designed to explore how organizational and social contexts affect the way people organize information and acquire knowledge about the world. The course will encourage the critical examination of organizations and a more complex understanding of organizations and their leaders. This...
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