UBC Sauder – HKU Dual Degree Program

The UBC Sauder-HKU Dual Degree is a four-year program in which you will spend two years in Vancouver and two years in Hong Kong, gaining a global business education, and graduating with two degrees: A Bachelor of Commerce from UBC Sauder and a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Hong Kong. You must complete a total of 146 credits (145 credits for students who started in 2021W), a choice of five HKU majors, and one of nine UBC Sauder options in which to specialize.

You can choose to specialize in a different discipline at each university. For example, you can graduate from UBC Sauder with an option in Business Technology Management and graduate from HKU with a specialization in Finance. You may find that you want to pursue an option at UBC Sauder that complements your HKU major or one that is entirely different. It’s up to you to decide which study paths best suit your future goals and aspirations.

HKU Dual Degree requirements for year 1 entry in 2022W or later

Continuation in the BCom program 

A winter session average of ≥60% based on all courses attempted from September to April is required to continue in the program at all year levels. For more information, please see our Academic Standing page.

Keep in mind that you have six years to finish your degree requirements from the date that you were first admitted to the Dual Degree program.

Minimum credit requirement

A minimum 62 credits must be taken in the BCom program. However, 74 credits are required to meet dual degree requirements. Transfer credit earned (typically AP or IB) may be used to fulfill UBC elective requirements and can be subtracted from the 74 credits, up to a maximum of 12 credits. If you do not have transfer credit consider taking summer courses to lighten your course load during the academic year.

Year 1 at the University of Hong Kong

In addition to taking HKU BBA course requirements, you will fulfill some of the Year 1 BCom requirements in your first year at HKU. These courses typically include the equivalents of ECON 101 Principles of Microeconomics, ECON 102 Principles of Macroeconomics, MATH 1001 Differential Calculus with Applications, COMM 1962 Business Communications I, as well as electives.  Other courses taken in year 1 may include the equivalents of COMM 293 Financial Accounting, COMM 294 Managerial Accounting, COMM 205 Introduction to Management Information Systems, COMM 296 Introduction to Marketing, and COMM 298 Introduction to Finance. Any courses not taken in year 1 will be taken at UBC in year 2.

Dual Degree students are expected to successfully complete first year of the University of Hong Kong undergraduate curriculum in order to come to UBC. All students follow the rules and regulations of the university they are attending at the time.

See the HKU website for year 1 program planning details.

1 You must attain a minimum of a 'C' in your COMM 196 equivalent. 

2 MATH 100 may be taken in year 2. 

Year 2 at the UBC Sauder School of Business

COMM 105

Values, Ethics, and Community


COMM 190

Introduction to Quantitative Decision Making 


COMM 191 

Application of Statistics in Business


COMM 192

Management and Organizational Behaviour


COMM 202

Career Fundamentals


COMM 203 

Managing the Employment Relationship 

COMM 205

Introduction to Management Information Systems 


COMM 293

Financial Accounting


COMM 294

Managerial Accounting


COMM 2952

Managerial Economics
(You may take ECON 301 and ECON 303 instead of COMM 295 to fulfill this requirement.
Three of the six credits will apply to your non-Commerce electives requirement.)


COMM 296

Introduction to Marketing


COMM 298

Introduction to Finance


Three credits of non-Commerce electives


Total credits


Year 3 at the UBC Sauder School of Business

All of the following courses:

COMM 204 

Logistics and Operations Management 


COMM 393

Commercial Law


COMM 394

Environment, Society, and Government


COMM 396
A minimum grade of 60% is required.

Business Communications II


Option Core

Required courses for option

A minimum 50% of your option courses must be completed at UBC. Remaining option courses must be completed at HKU.


COMM 400 

Capstone Experience


COMM 491

Strategic Management


BBA requirements and BCom electives


Total credits

up to 37

Year 4 at the University of Hong Kong

In addition to taking HKU BBA program requirements, you will fulfill any outstanding BCom option, core requirements and elective requirements.

See the HKU website for year 4 program planning details. 

Completing your degree 

Once you have fulfilled your BCom degree requirements, it’s time to apply to graduate. Note that if you achieve a winter session average below 60% in your final year, you will be permitted to graduate, but a notation of ‘Failed Year’ will appear on your academic transcript for that session.  

Continuation in the BCom program 

If you have not completed all your requirements for graduation or wish to take additional courses, you may continue in the next winter session, remaining in Year 4, provided your winter session average is greater than or equal to 60% on all courses attempted from September to April. You must achieve the minimum 60% continuation requirement by the end of the current winter session in April. When planning your studies, keep in mind that you must complete all of your degree requirements within six years of entering the program. 

Program advising

If you are registered in the UBC Sauder-HKU Dual Degree and have questions about transitioning to UBC Sauder, please contact Academic Advisor, Katelyn Huang at katelyn.huang@sauder.ubc.ca or book an appointment.

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