
noun | well·ness | \ˈwel-nəs\ | definition: the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort | synonyms: fitness, healthiness, heartiness, wholeness

Take care of your mind, body, and spirit

Being mentally and physically healthy includes taking care of yourself every day, understanding that challenges are normal, and knowing what to do when you don’t feel well.

Some of the top wellness concerns affecting students include:

Food and nutrition
Learn how to eat well on a budget, get started on cooking, and meal prep. Food access supports can also be found on our 'student support and resources' page.

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Physical activity
Understanding stress
Sex & sexual health
Alcohol and other drugs

Support options

Wellness Centre

Talk with a trained student for tips and resources on managing stress, study tips, or navigating life as a student.

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Crisis Support

Reach out for immediate help if you or someone else is in danger, or at risk of harming yourself or others.

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Safety on campus

Everyone plays a role in making UBC’s Vancouver campus a safe and welcoming place. The best way to keep our campus safe is to look out for each other and to reach out when we need help ourselves.

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