Registration Assistance

Reasons for registration assistance

All registration requests will be reviewed to determine if they meet one of the valid reasons for registration assistance. Requests made for invalid reasons will be dismissed. The Undergraduate Office (UGO) will attempt to accommodate your registration request based on seat availability in sections (not necessarily section preference), and in some cases seat availability in alternate courses that will fulfill the same requirement.

Please review the following valid and invalid reasons for registration assistance before submitting your request. Do not submit requests until you have an open registration.


Valid Reasons for Registration Assistance

Unrecognized prerequisites/co-requisites in Workday
You are unable to register in a COMM/COHR/COMR course because of a missing prerequisite or co-requisite, but you have completed an accepted course equivalent (e.g. ECON 295 taken at UBCO accepted in place of COMM 295)

Commerce course/section conflict
A conflict exists between two or more required COMM/COHR/COMR courses1 that you are unable to resolve online.

Unable to register for a required Commerce course
You are unable to find a section of a required COMM/COHR/COMR course1 that fits into your timetable.

Varsity athletic commitments
You are on a UBC Varsity athletic team and your timetable conflicts with practice times (please include your Varsity sport under Additional Comments).
1 Required COMM courses are those which are needed for:
1. BCom students to meet core or option graduation requirements (not elective requirements). 
2. Non-BCom students to meet the Minor in Commerce requirements (not elective requirements).
Invalid Reasons for Registration Assistance

Employment commitments

Instructor preferences

Wanting to be in the same section as a friend

Requests for option courses to complete a double option or a concentration

Requests for courses to fulfill requirements for a post-graduate program or credential, such as CPA or CFA

Registration Assistance request form  


Can my professor sign me into a class?

Commerce professors and instructors cannot register you in their courses. All students will be referred to the Undergraduate Office and asked to submit a request for registration assistance if they meet at least one of the valid criteria for a request. For courses other than Commerce, consult the faculty offering the course you wish to take to learn the correct procedure to request registration.

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