Personal Development Resources

Resources to help you reflect, set goals, and grow!

Student outside UBC Sauder on laptop

Personal development is a lifelong journey to discover who you are, what truly matters to you, and how you can become the best version of yourself (in your personal life and career).

Taking time to reflect and understand your areas for growth is essential as it helps develop self-awareness and clarity with your next steps.

While working on your personal development is something to do throughout your life, it’s also a great starting point for your career journey.

Ways to get started

Self-guided toolkits designed for UBC Sauder students

Strengths, Values, Motivators Toolkit

Strengths, Values, Motivators Toolkit

The first step to developing a fulfilling career is understanding what interests you, what you care about, and what you’re good at.

Knowing your strengths, values, and motivators can be a building block to creating a lifestyle and career you enjoy. This toolkit is designed to help you reflect and discover what drives you.

Access on COOL

Career Goals Toolkit

Career Goals Toolkit

Planning goals for your future and career can feel intimidating; however, breaking them down into small achievable steps can make your plans more tangible.

This toolkit will empower you with the strategies to tackle your big goals in your personal and professional life. 

Access on COOL

Career Mindset & Emotional Intelligence Toolkit

Career Mindset & Emotional Intelligence Toolkit

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is one of the strongest predictors of job performance.

Having a healthy EQ means you find it easier to understand and manage your emotions, get along with others, communicate, and thrive in new situations.

 Like a muscle, EQ is something you can improve and develop if you put in the work. Learn more with this toolkit.

Access on COOL

Access additional Career Toolkits on other career-related topics like resumes, cover letters, and interviews on COOL.

CWL login is required to access all Toolkits.

Develop your EQ with the Emotional Capital Report

According to research, EQ is the strongest predictor of workplace and leadership success. Findings show that 90% of top performers have high EQ, and those with a high EQ have the potential to earn an average of $29,000 more per year.

COMM 202 Career Fundamentals will introduce you to the RocheMartin Emotional Capital Report (ECR). This 15-minute assessment will give you a score based on ten leadership competencies using a global scientific measure. It provides explanations of the leadership behaviours associated with the score and coaching strategies for developing your EQ and leadership abilities.

The ECR has been vigorously and scientifically tested. It gives a valid and reliable measurement of leadership competencies based on the Bar-On and Goleman measures of EQ.

Emotional Capital Report book

Additional Resources

Navigate Your Career Journey

Trying to figure out what type of work interests you? Or maybe you’re wondering what resources can help you achieve your goals? No matter where you are in your unique career journey, you can use our career development model to help navigate your personal and professional goals at UBC Sauder and beyond.

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