Business Technology Management

If you’re interested in computers and management, this option could be a great fit. It provides an overview of the information systems area, with hands on lab experience. 

Am I the right fit for this option?

If you are technically savvy, detail-oriented, with creative problem-solving and analytical skills, chances are you’ll find that the Business Technology Management (BTM) option will lead you to your ideal career.

Business Technology Management option course requirements

Year 2
COMM 2051Introduction to Management Information Systems
1 If you take COMM 205 in Year 3 Term 1, then you must complete COMM 335 and COMM 438 in Term 2 of Year 3. COMM 436, COMM 437,and COMM 439 would be taken in Year 4. 
Year 3
COMM 335Information Systems Technology & Development (Term 1) 
Three credits from the following courses:
COMM 436Information Systems Analysis and Design (Term 2) 
COMM 4372Database Technology (Term 2) 
COMM 438Management of Information Systems (Term 1 or 2) 
2 Credit will only be given for one of COMM 437 and CPSC 304. 
Year 3 or 4
COMM 4393Business Telecommunications
Six credits from COMM 436, COMM 437, COMM 4384
3 Credit will be granted for only one of COMM 439 and CPSC 317.
4 Whichever courses not taken in Year 3.

Other BTM courses which may be taken as electives

COMM 336Introduction to Digital Business 
COMM 3375Business Programming and Analytics
COMM 3386Management of Cybersecurity
COMM 435
CIO Strategies
5 Credit will be granted for only one of CPSC 103 and COMM 337.
6 Formerly numbered and titled COMM 486Y Cybersecurity. If you've completed the course as COMM 486Y, you are not permitted to take it again as COMM 338 (you cannot receive credit for the same course twice).

Careers in Business Technology Management

Being able to leverage technologies to meet and predict the changing needs of customers is pivotal to succeeding in today’s competitive business environment. This option gives you the best of both worlds – a business background and knowledge in information systems, project management, IT consulting and more.

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