Academic Standing and Class Standing

Every May, the Undergraduate Office (UGO) assesses students’ academic standingWe review your degree progression and also determine whether you are meeting continuation requirements.  

Class Standing 

Class Standing at UBC now refers to your year level. Year 1 students are considered as Class Standing 1, and so on. This term does not refer to your sessional average or your cumulative average.  

In most instances, your Class Standing will change automatically as you meet degree progression requirements.  

Academic Standing 

Your winter session average is a weighted calculation, accounting for course credit values and including any failing grades. Additionally, grades obtained while participating in a study abroad or exchange program during the 2025 winter session or prior contribute to this average. Please note, however, that courses completed during the summer session (May to August) are excluded from the winter session average calculation. 

In order to be eligible to continue in the BCom program, regardless of class standing, you must attain a winter session average of ≥60%, derived from all courses attempted between September and April.  

Should your winter session average fall below 60%, you are considered to have failed the year. This means that you will be asked to withdraw from UBC for at least one year. It's important to note that averages are not rounded up; therefore, a winter session average of 59.9% would constitute a failed year. Again, courses undertaken during the summer session (May to August) are not factored into the winter session average. 

If you have a Failed Year, click here 

We encourage you to connect with an Academic Advisor throughout the academic year if you have any concerns about your progress in courses or your academic standing.  

Important notes about your winter session average: 

Calculating a weighted average  

When calculating your average, you must take the credit values of your courses into consideration. For example, your one-credit COMM 202 course will have less weight than your three-credit COMM 293 course. Not sure how to calculate a weighted average? Input your anticipated/final grades into our weighted average calculator to see if you're on track to meet continuation requirements. 

BCom promotion requirements as of 2024

New BCom promotion requirements at all year levels started in 2024 to facilitate the implementation of Workday Student.

Year 1 to Year 2
Year 2 to Year 3
Year 3 to Year 4

Degree requirements for year 1 entry in 2014W to 2021W

Your degree progression requirements will depend on when you were admitted. The following requirements apply to students who:

  • entered to Year 1, 2014-2021.
  • transferred to Year 2, 2015-2022.
  • transferred to Year 3, 2016-2023.

View requirements

Making travel plans

Your exam schedule will be available midway through the term of study. If you are making advance travel plans before the exam schedule is published, assume that you may be writing your last exam on the last possible date and time during the exam week. The Undergraduate Office will not grant concessions due to conflicting travel arrangements.

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