COHR 402 - Leadership

In this course we examine what effective leadership means and how it can be practiced. We will find, if we did not know it already, that leadership does not reside in one single individual but can be found in the actions of many different people in organizations. As present and future leaders you need to know about effective leadership and it makes sense to do so by exploring and assessing your own strengths, weaknesses, hopes and aspirations as leaders. This course is designed to address both these levels: learning about leadership and learning about oneself as a leader.

Learning objectives

As a result of taking this course, you will:

  • become familiar with the major challenges leaders face in today’s competitive world.
  • examine ways to develop a more effective leadership style.
  • explore how leadership varies with cross-culturally.
  • develop a personal leadership model.

Note: COHR 402 will not be offered in 2024W.

Prerequisite: COMM 203.

Course credits:

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