Job Interviews

“Why do you want this job?”

Student in interview

Congratulations, you’ve submitted your application and made it through to the all-important interview stage!

While being nervous is very normal, try to embrace the excitement. You’ve already caught the employer’s attention through the skills and qualifications in your application. They see your potential, so they’re investing time to learn more about you.

At UBC Sauder, you don’t have to tackle interviews alone!

How to get started

To make sure you’re well-prepared to crush your next interview, the Hari B. Varshney Business Career Centre (BCC) provides BComs FREE access to a range of interview resources

Want to talk to someone about interviews?

Stop by Drop-in to chat with the BCC’s Career Peer Advisors, who are senior BComs trained to help you with interview prep. 

When: 11:00 am to 2:00 pm (Monday-Friday), during the term

When: CPA Hall, outside the BCC (HA155)

Or, book an Interview Prep + Strategies coaching & advising appointment on COOL for personalized 1:1 support.

Book on COOL

(CWL login required)

Navigate Your Career Journey

Trying to figure out what type of work interests you? Or maybe you’re wondering what resources can help you achieve your goals? No matter where you are in your unique career journey, you can use our career development model to help navigate your personal and professional goals at UBC Sauder and beyond.

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