Before your exams, read the UBC exam guidelines to learn what and what not to bring and how to conduct yourself during your exam session.

UBC exam guidelines  

Please note that once you have started an exam, the grade you earn will stand. You will not be given another opportunity to increase your mark.


Most Commerce midterm exams are coordinated by the Undergraduate Office (UGO) and held in the evening. Other exams may be scheduled by individual instructors during class time. Check with your instructor if you have questions.

Commerce midterm exam schedule

Please note that this calendar only includes midterm examinations scheduled by the UBC Sauder Undergraduate Office on behalf of Commerce instructors. It may not include COMM and COHR exams scheduled directly by instructors. Please confirm times and locations in your course outlines or with your instructors. Should any discrepancies in dates exist between this calendar and information listed in the official course outline, the course outline information or any changes indicated by your course instructor will prevail.


Midterm clashes with a scheduled class or another exam

If your COMM, COHR, COMR, or COEC midterm exam clashes with the regularly scheduled class time of another course, you must report the clash to your instructor administering the exam and the Undergraduate Office as soon as you are aware of the clash, but at the very latest, two weeks prior to the exam sitting. In this situation, you are expected to attend your class. The Undergraduate Office will work with your instructor to make alternate arrangements for you to take the exam.

If two of your midterms are scheduled at the same time and neither is scheduled during class time, report the clash to both instructors and the Undergraduate Office as soon as you are aware of the clash, but at the very latest, two weeks prior to the exam sitting. If neither instructor is able to provide an alternate exam time, the Undergraduate Office will work with your instructors to make alternate arrangements for you to take both exams.

Notify the Undergraduate Office of a midterm clash by emailing with the subject line "Midterm clash". In the message, please include your full name, student number, and details of the clash (courses, instructors, dates, times, etc.).

Midterm accommodations for students registered with the Centre for Accessibility

If an advisor from the Centre for Accessibility (formerly known as Access and Diversity or A & D) has provided you with a letter of accommodation, be sure to complete the following at the start of the term per the instructions they have provided to you:

1. Provide an electronic or hard copy of your letter of accommodation to each instructor/course administrator.
2. Arrange a meeting with your instructors/course administrators to discuss your accommodations.

Any requests for accommodated exams will be scheduled by the Centre for Accessibility.

The Centre for Accessibility uses an online exam reservation system for requesting accommodated exam sittings; it is not used for requesting exam sittings that are arranged directly by your instructor or the UGO. Requests must be submitted at least one week in advance for all midterms. Late requests will not be accommodated.

What do I do if I miss an exam?

Sometimes unanticipated events or circumstances can affect your ability to complete your academic responsibilities. You may be eligible to submit a petition for an academic concession if you meet the certain eligibility criteria, and in some circumstances, provide supporting documentation.  An academic concession is a form of support that allows for deferment of marked work so that you can complete a course's requirements.

Final exams

Final exams for the winter session are held in December (Term 1) and in April (Term 2). Exams for the summer session may be held during the last scheduled class or the week following the end of classes. 

Release of final exam schedule

The final exam schedule for the winter session will be available online in October for Term 1 courses and in February for Term 2 courses. Exams during the summer session are scheduled midway through each term. 

The final exam schedule will continue to be posted at:

 Student Services Exam Schedule Tool

Final exam start time and attendance

Please refer to Student Conduct during Examinations on UBC’s policy on exam start time and attendance. It is also recommended that you familiarize yourself with your instructor’s exam instructions to ensure you are properly prepared for their exams.

Final exam clashes

You should contact your instructors as soon as possible to determine whether an alternate writing time is available. If neither instructor can accommodate a different exam time, please report the clash to the Undergraduate Office immediately using the Final Examination Hardships and Clashes Submission Form linked below by November 15th at 8:00 a.m. Submissions received after this time may not be considered. Continue to prepare for all your exams as scheduled until you are informed of the new arrangements.

Final exam hardships

An exam hardship is when you have three final exams scheduled within a 24-hour period. If the third exam falls on the 25th hour, it is not considered a hardship. For example, if the first exam is on Monday at 8:30am, the second exam is at 3:30pm, and the third exam is on Tuesday at 8:30am, there is no official hardship because the third exam starts just after the 24-hour period expires.

If you face an exam hardship, you will be given an alternative exam date for the second exam. Contact the instructor of your second exam no later than one month prior to the scheduled exam date for courses in the winter session and no later than two weeks prior to the scheduled exam date for courses in the summer session. If your instructor is unable to offer you an alternative, please report the final exam hardship to the Undergraduate Office immediately using the Final Examination Hardships and Clashes Submission Form linked below by November 15th at 8:00 a.mSubmissions received after this time may not be considered. Continue to prepare for all your exams as scheduled until you are informed of the new arrangements.

Final Examination Hardships and Clashes Submission Form

Final exam accommodations for students registered with the Centre for Accessibility

If an advisor from the Centre for Accessibility has provided you with a letter of accommodation, be sure to complete the following at the start of the term per the instructions they have provided to you:

1. Provide an electronic or hard copy of your letter of accommodation to each instructor/course administrator.
2. Arrange a meeting with your instructors/course administrators to discuss your accommodations.

Any requests for accommodated exams will be scheduled by the Centre for Accessibility.

The Centre for Accessibility uses an online exam reservation system for requesting accommodated exam sittings; it is not used for requesting exam sittings that are arranged directly by your instructor or the UGO. Requests for final exams must be submitted at least one week in advance of the start of the formal examination period. Late requests will not be accommodated.

Do not make travel plans until you know your exam schedule

Do not make travel arrangements or personal commitments until the exam schedule has been published or you have confirmed your final exam date with your instructor. Resulting conflicts will not merit academic concession.

Making travel plans

Your exam schedule will be available midway through the term of study. If you are making advance travel plans before the exam schedule is published, assume that you may be writing your last exam on the last possible date and time during the exam week. The Undergraduate Office will not grant concessions due to conflicting travel arrangements.

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