Registering for Courses

This page has been updated with info regarding Workday Student.

Last updated: June 16, 2024

Start with a plan

Before you register, carefully review your degree requirements and make a plan (and a backup plan) that includes all of your required and elective courses. Think ahead beyond the current year to make sure that you're taking any prerequisites now for courses you wish to take in later years.

When planning your studies, keep in mind that you must complete all of your degree requirements within six years of entering the program.

Degree requirements

On this page, learn:

  • How to find your registration appointment
  • How to pay your acceptance deposit (if new to UBC)
  • How to pick your courses, build your saved schedules, and register
  • How to manage your registration
  • How your transfer credits will apply toward your degree requirements
  • How a reduced course load can impact certain eligibilities

Find your registration appointment

UBC Enrolment Services will notify you by email—in June/July for the winter session and February for the summer session—once your registration appointment is available in Workday. Your specific registration date and time is determined by your class standing (year level) and cumulative GPA. The higher your average, the earlier your registration date and time will be.

Registration dates  

Pay your acceptance deposit if new to UBC

If you were newly admitted to UBC this year, you'll be prompted to pay your acceptance deposit when you accept your offer of admission. Continuing UBC students are not required to pay a deposit prior to registration.

Students must continue to use the Student Service Centre to make changes to their registration for courses taken in the 2024 Summer Session.
Registration for the 2025 Summer Session will be done in Workday Student.

Pick your courses and build your saved schedules

Review your program requirements to see which courses to take and then log in to Workday Student to start building your saved schedules (i.e., your draft timetables).

Video: How to view your course schedule & registration appointment 
Video: How to create a saved schedule 

Tutorial: Viewing the course schedule
Tutorial: Creating a saved schedule

In Workday, you’ll create saved schedules for each term. If you’re planning to take a two-term course, the course must be added to a Term 1 saved schedule. Be mindful of potential conflicts with courses in your subsequent Term 2 saved schedules.

Workday will allow you to add any courses to your saved schedules, even those for which you do not meet prerequisite, co-requisite, or seat restrictions to register. Review and resolve any alerts and error messages in your saved schedules before you attempt to register. One common alert is Your saved schedule includes course sections that you’re not eligible for. You should expect to see this alert in a Term 2 schedule if you plan to take its prerequisite(s) in Term 1. The alert will disappear once you have registered for the prerequisite(s).

Tutorial: Troubleshooting your saved schedule

Register for courses

It’s your responsibility to arrange a conflict-free timetable. To help, we’ve broken it all down into simple steps for each year. You'll also receive registration instructions specific to your year by email at least one week before your registration date.

Video: How to view & edit your saved schedule
Video: Alerts from your saved schedule 

Tutorial: Registering in courses from a saved schedule 
Tutorial: Registering for individual course sections 

Find additional tutorials at and how-to videos at

Registering for Year 1
Registering for Year 2
Registering for Year 3
Registering for Year 4

Register for both terms

When your registration opens, register for both terms – Winter Term 1 (September to December) and Winter Term 2 (January to April), or Summer Term 1 (May to June) and Summer Term 2 (July to August). Courses fill up quickly, so don’t delay. Be sure to register for Term 1 courses first, especially if those courses are prerequisites to courses in Term 2.

Saved schedules and registered courses

Don’t confuse your saved schedules with your registered classes!

You must register for the courses in your saved schedule when your registration opens to officially be in them. If you make changes to your courses after you initially register, be sure that you're making changes to your registered course list and not one of your saved schedules.

Manage your registration

Add, drop, and switch sections in a course

You can make changes to your registered courses without a withdrawal (W) standing on your transcript until the deadline posted on the course schedule. When making changes to your registration, be sure that you’re updating your list of registered courses and not just a worklist.

Important: Review each course section’s withdrawal deadlines carefully. They vary depending on the duration and credit value of the course.

Withdraw from a course with a W standing

If you withdraw from a course after the first withdrawal deadline, a W standing will be noted on your transcript and refunds will be processed according to the tuition refund schedule. You can withdraw with a W standing until the second withdrawal date posted for the section on the course schedule. Beyond then, you cannot drop the course.

Official course change dates  

If you need to withdraw from a course after the published deadline due to extenuating circumstances, speak with an advisor in the Undergraduate Office (UGO). A change to your registration after the second withdrawal deadline is an academic concession that requires approval from the UGO. Supporting documentation is required.

Impacts of course withdrawal

It is your responsibility to consider the possible impacts of a course withdrawal, and weigh the benefits and disadvantages before making a final decision.

Any of the following may be affected by a course withdrawal:

Your academic record
Tuition fees
Full-time status as an international student
Courses with prerequisites and option declaration
Promotion to the next year level and graduation
Academic distinctions
Varsity sports
Eligibility for funding
Postgraduate academic programs and employment

Anticipated absences

If your ability to attend classes or complete coursework and assignments is adversely impacted or if you expect regular or prolonged absences, you should contact an Academic Advisor in the UGO to further discuss your case.

Students with a disability or ongoing medical condition

Students registered with the Centre for Accessibility (CFA) should have their accommodation agreed upon at the beginning of the course between the student, CFA, and the instructor. Students who are not registered with CFA may wish to discuss their case with the Centre or connect with an Academic Advisor in the UGO.  

If illness or disability-related reasons interfere with your ability to attend classes or complete coursework and assignment, you should follow the directions provided by your instructors and submit a request for Academic Concession through the Undergraduate Office (UGO).

Varsity athletes

Varsity athletes should have a letter outlining their Varsity commitments sent to their instructors by UBC Athletics.

Unanticipated absences

If you face unexpected illness or unavoidable responsibilities that impact your ability to fulfil your academic responsibilities, you could be eligible for an academic concession.

Learn more about academic concession

If your situation is related to an experience of sexual violence, you have the option of contacting UBC’s Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office (SVPRO) (604 822 1588) who can assist you with your academic concession.

How does a 'W' affect my academic standing?

Don’t be concerned about having a W standing on your transcript. It simply indicates that you withdrew from a course. Course withdrawals are not included in calculating your sessional, cumulative, or graduating averages. Remember though that you will not receive a full refund of your tuition past the first withdrawal deadline. (Please note if you're accessing resources that have credit requirements, a W may impact your eligibility.)

Are you eligible to receive transfer credits from AP, IB, or A-Levels?

If your high school studies included Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), or British-patterned education (A-Levels), you may be eligible to receive transfer credit that you can use toward your BCom degree requirements.

Advanced Placement
International Baccalaureate
British-patterned education


Make arrangements to have your final official test results sent directly to UBC Undergraduate Admissions as soon as possible as it may take several weeks from when they are received for credit to be awarded. You may not see transfer credit on your student record until after you’ve registered for your courses. Course withdrawals will not be granted or backdated should any transfer credit be awarded after the course withdrawal deadline.

Transfer credit will be applied toward your degree requirements automatically once it has been granted. You don't need to do anything to activate or use it.

First-year credit tables  


Maintain your eligibility for student loans

Government loans, grants, and interest-free status all require students to be enrolled in at least 60% (80% for Newfoundland loans) of a full-time course load in each term. Given the credit structure of the BCom program, the minimum number of credits you must be enrolled in varies at different year levels. Consult the course load guide at to ensure that you meet the requirements to maintain your funding. Note that eligibility to receive scholarships and to live in UBC residence is determined by separate registration criteria.

Impacts of a reduced course load

If you’re thinking about reducing your course load during the winter session (fewer than 30 credits), be mindful of commitments and considerations that require you to be registered in a minimum number of credits to maintain your eligibility.

Are you meeting promotion requirements?
Have you received awards or funding?
Are you living in UBC Student Housing?
Are you an international student?
Do you want to be eligible for academic honours?
Are you a Varsity athlete?
Are there other considerations unique to you?

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