Double Options

This page has been updated with info regarding Workday Student.

Last updated: May 24, 2024

Note regarding Workday Student Tutorials
UBC's Workday Tutorials website includes tutorials for adding a second program of study and removing a program of study. These functions do not apply to students in the BCom program. Please review the Option Declaration webpage to learn more.

Pursuing a double option

You can only be officially registered in one option, with the exception of International Business with your primary option; however, you may complete courses in another option and count them toward your elective requirements.

Courses cannot be double counted between options. For example, if you are pursuing a double option in Marketing and Operations and Logistics, COMM 414 can be taken to fulfill requirements for one of the two options, but not both.

Students who started Year 1 in 2020W will be the last cohort eligible to complete International Business (IB) as a secondary option. With the addition of the new International Business (IB) concentration in September 2021, the International Business option will be discontinued.

Possible second options

Students cannot complete a second option in Finance or General Business Management. However, there is usually limited space in Accounting, Business Technology Management, Marketing, Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources, Real Estate, and Operations and Logistics.

Limited course availability

Because the majority of seats in each option course are allocated to students officially in that option, availability for non-option students is very limited. Students who wish to complete a second option can often only access available seats in these courses starting in Year 4. This means that you may need to stay for an extra term or year to complete all the courses required for your second option as many of the Year 4 option courses have Year 3 prerequisites. 

If you're planning to complete a second option, it's up to you to register yourself in any requirements for that option. You'll only be eligible to register in general seats for other options, if any are available. Often these seats are taken by Year 4 students who register before Year 3 students. Therefore, if you’re attempting to complete a second option you may need to extend your studies to successfully register in and complete all required courses.

Declaring a second option, minor, or concentration

Once the graduation application deadline has passed, the Undergraduate Office will send instructions to all applicants for how to affirm their expected completion of a second option, minor, or concentration, if applicable. Please ensure you submit your most up-to-date minor forms before obtaining your degree. At the time of graduation, completion of a second option, minor, or concentration will be noted on your transcript.

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