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Academic Concession
At UBC, we care about your wellbeing and are committed to supporting you in your academic pursuits. We recognize that sometimes unanticipated events or circumstances can affect your ability to complete your academic responsibilities.
Last updated: September 10, 2024
Academic Concessions
An academic concession is a form of support that allows for deferment of marked work so that you can complete a course's requirements. Academic concessions are granted if you meet the certain eligibility criteria, and in some circumstances, provide supporting documentation.
If you are experiencing circumstances that interfere with your academic work, your best source of guidance is an Academic Advisor at the UGO. Academic Advisors are familiar with the university's policies and processes and are here to provide students with support and referrals.
Short-term Support:
Academic concessions are meant to help with unexpected or short-term events. If you have a diagnosis for a chronic or long-term condition, we encourage you to connect with the Centre for Accessibility to ensure that you have the right support in place. If you aren’t sure if this is the right resource for you, you may contact them at info.accessibility@ubc.ca or meet with an Academic Advisor at the UGO to discuss your circumstances and determine if CFA is the right place to go.
Stress Management:
Academic concessions are not a tool for managing stressful situations like a big exam or multiple deadlines. UBC and UBC Sauder have an expansive selection of resources for you to make use of in terms of academic and wellness supports. We encourage you to make use of these! https://students.ubc.ca/support
Students Facing Final Exam Clash or Exam Hardship:
An exam hardship occurs when a student has three or more formal examinations scheduled within a 24-hour period (e.g., from 8:00 a.m. to 7:59 a.m. the following day). In this case, the student is eligible to request a new date and time for the second exam. An exam clash is when two exams are scheduled at the same time or overlap, requiring alternate arrangements. If you are experiencing any of these situations please visit the myBCom Exams page to learn more about your next steps and how to report exam clashes or hardships.
Valid grounds for academic concession:
Conflicting responsibilities that create grounds for academic concession are circumstances beyond the student’s control and normally arise after they have registered in courses. Examples may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- selected to represent the University, British Columbia or Canada in a competition or performance and therefore absent from campus*
- attending meetings required as a member of a University governance body
- being called to serve in the military
- needing to work to support oneself or one’s family but only when the need changed after the student registered in the course
- a change in the need to provide care for a dependent or family member
- being required to attend a court session (i.e., as a witness, jury member, or party)
*You are expected to confirm your eligibility for concession as soon as you have been selected as a representative.
Please know that it is your responsibility to arrange your scheduled non-academic activities to the best of your ability in a manner that enables full attendance and participation in your courses and programs, including required practicum and internships.
Concession petitions on the basis of conflicting responsibilities must be submitted in advance of the expected absence. Conflicting responsibilities do not include travel or social plans that conflict with class or exam schedules unless the travel is related to another valid ground for academic concession.
Medical circumstances that create grounds for academic concession are normally unanticipated and include, but are not limited to, the following:
- acute physical or mental illness or a medical circumstance that emerges or recurs during a term
- the emergence of, or a change in, a chronic physical or mental health condition
Compassionate grounds for academic concession may arise in the immediate aftermath of an unanticipated event, or later. Examples include:
- a traumatic event experienced by the student, a family member, or a close friend
- an act of sexual assault or other sexual misconduct experienced by the student, a family member, or a close friend*
- a death in the family or of a close friend
When a student first seeks academic concession on compassionate grounds, a self-declaration will suffice. As traumatic events may show effects long after the occurrence of the event, a self-declaration may also suffice for the first incidence where re-traumatization arises. If a prolonged absence is anticipated on compassionate grounds, supporting documentation may be requested. Documentation can be provided by a professional or unit that can assess the effect of the event on the student.
If you are submitting a petition for academic concession based on compassionate grounds, an Academic Advisor will connect with you to set up a meeting to understand whether referrals to supportive resources would be helpful for you. You are also welcome to bring any questions you may have about your circumstances affecting attendance or coursework to the meeting.
*If the basis of the concession petition is related to sexual or gender-based violence, we encourage you to connect with UBC’s Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office (SVPRO). SVPRO’s role is to provide support in ways that create safety for, and trust with, each individual client. This includes helping with the academic concession process. Please know that when a person chooses to speak with SVPRO, they are not reporting to the University. SVPRO cannot receive reports or conduct investigations. Information shared with SVPRO is confidential and cannot be shared with anyone else without express permission.
Understanding academic concessions vs. academic accommodations
At UBC, there are two categories of academic accommodations: accommodations for students registered with the Centre for Accessibility, and religious accommodations for students who wish to participate in the practices of their own sincerely-held religious beliefs or for observances of cultural importance to First Nations, Métis, and Inuit students.
Academic accommodations for students with disabilities or ongoing medical conditions are arranged through UBC's Centre for Accessibility (CFA). These accommodations are to help students overcome challenges or barriers that may affect their academic success. The Centre evaluates a student's eligibility for accommodations, and determines the type of accommodations most suitable for that student, as governed by the university's Disability Accommodation Policy (LR7). If you are a registered client with CfA and your disability or ongoing medical condition informs the grounds for academic concession, you may submit your petition for academic concession to the Undergraduate Office (UGO) or CfA. Recognizing the religious and spiritual diversity of the University, UBC permits students who are scheduled to attend classes or write examinations on holy days of their religions to notify their instructors in advance of the holy day of their wish to observe it by absenting themselves from class or examination. Instructors provide opportunity for such students to make up work or examinations missed without penalty. Students are not required to submit a concession form to the UGO for religious accommodations, or for the cultural observances of First Nations, Metis and Inuit students. However, please note that non-religious cultural observances of those who are not First Nations, Métis or Inuit students are not accommodated under this policy. However, students may request academic concessions to participate in such observances if they create a conflicting responsibility with their course work and attendance. The university does not require documentation for religious accommodations. However, advance notice of interference with academic activities should be provided by the student as soon as reasonably possible and in the case of a religious or cultural observance, no later than two weeks in advance (see Senate Policy J-136) Please see the Academic Accommodation for all Students’ Religious Observances and for the Cultural Observances of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Students page for more information.
Applying for an academic concession
We ask that you review the process carefully. You may be asked for further details, documentation or to meet with an advisor, so we ask that you check your emails regularly.
UBC Academic Concession Policy
1. In-term academic concessions for coursework
If you have missed, or will miss, coursework for which a grade is assigned, you may be eligible for an academic concession given the following: As a BCom student, you must submit a petition for academic concessions for ALL courses (Commerce and non-Commerce) to the Undergraduate Office. You are expected to submit a petition for academic concessions within 48 hours, or 2 business days, of the missed coursework or deadline. 2.Inform your instructor (or course coordinator): If your instructor or the course coordinator has indicated that you should connect with them regarding missed coursework or classes, then please be sure to do so as soon as possible. It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the course syllabus at the start of the term so that you are familiar with course policies. Please make sure to use the appropriate email address in your petition. Some large courses direct students to contact a course coordinator rather than the instructor. It’s a good idea to check the syllabus if you aren’t sure if this applies to your course. *You should anticipate being asked to submit your assignment/coursework within a reasonable time of your circumstances being resolved--even if you haven’t yet heard back from the UGO or the instructor. * 3.Documentation: If this is your first petition for a medical concession, you are not required to submit supporting documentation; however, depending on the circumstances, an Academic Advisor may reach out to you for further details, to request documentation and to provide you with information on supports. If this is your second or subsequent petition for medical concession, or any request for conflicting responsibilities, you are expected to provide supporting documentation. If you are not able to provide supporting documentation, then you are asked to provide an explanation as to why this documentation is not available. Supporting documentation helps to confirm the details you have described in your personal statement. Documentation should relate to the nature of your circumstances. This can include medical documentation or other third-party documentation that verifies or vouches for your circumstances. Medical documentation does not need to include confidential details. We need confirmation that you were assessed by a doctor or other healthcare professional on a specific date, and that this healthcare professional verifies that there is indeed a condition that affected you at that time. If you have any questions about supporting documentation, talk to an Academic Advisor at the UGO. Please note that photos are not a valid form of supporting documentation. If your petition involves extremely personal information that would be distressing to include, then we ask that you book an appointment with an Academic Advisor to discuss your petition with them instead. The Advisor will determine the next steps for you, given your circumstances. Please note that photos are not a valid form of supporting documentation. If the basis of the concession petition is related to sexual or gender-based violence, we encourage you to connect with UBC’s Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office (SVPRO). SVPRO’s role is to provide support in ways that create safety for, and trust with, each individual client. This includes helping with the academic concession process. Please know that when a person chooses to speak with SVPRO, they are not reporting to the University. SVPRO cannot receive reports or conduct investigations. Information shared with SVPRO is confidential and cannot be shared with anyone else without express permission. Your course syllabus should explain how concession will be applied (for example, as a deadline extension or an alternate exam) if your petition is approved. The course instructor determines how a concession is applied, not the UGO. 2.Inform your instructor (or course coordinator): If your instructor or the course coordinator has indicated that you should connect with them regarding missed coursework or classes, then please be sure to do so as soon as possible. It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the course syllabus at the start of the term so that you are familiar with course policies. Please make sure to use the appropriate email address in your petition. Some large courses direct students to contact a course coordinator rather than the instructor. It’s a good idea to check the syllabus if you aren’t sure if this applies to your course. *You should anticipate being asked to submit your assignment/coursework within a reasonable time of your circumstances being resolved--even if you haven’t yet heard back from the UGO or the instructor. * If this is your second or subsequent petition based on medical circumstances, you are expected to provide supporting documentation. Petitions based on conflicting responsibilities must be accompanied by supporting documentation. If the petition is based on compassionate grounds, please submit the webform and an advisor will connect with you. Supporting documentation helps to confirm the details you have described in your personal statement. Documentation should relate to the nature of your circumstances. This can include medical documentation or other third-party documentation that verifies or vouches for your circumstances. Medical documentation does not need to include confidential details. We need confirmation that you were assessed by a doctor or other healthcare professional on a specific date, and that this healthcare professional verifies that there is indeed a condition that affected you at that time. If you have any questions about supporting documentation, talk to an Academic Advisor at the UGO. Please note that photos are not a valid form of supporting documentation. If your petition involves extremely personal information that would be distressing to include, then we ask that you book an appointment with an Academic Advisor to discuss your petition with them instead. The Advisor will determine the next steps for you, given your circumstances. Please note that photos are not a valid form of supporting documentation. If you sit your exam, you are no longer eligible to defer it or to submit a petition for academic concession for it. Once you have started an exam, the grade stands. Academic concessions are not granted for exams that have been started and there are no additional opportunities that can be requested to increase a mark. If, during the exam, you feel too unwell to continue, you should notify an Exam Invigilator of your situation before leaving the exam. You should also immediately visit your nearest emergency department (https://www.vch.ca/en/health-topics/emergency-care) to get the care that you need and obtain medical documentation. You can connect with the UGO regarding the situation, as all such extraordinary events are reviewed by the UGO. However, there is no guarantee that you will be granted the opportunity to re-write the exam. All such events are evaluated on a case-by-case basis, with the circumstances carefully weighed in the context of academic integrity. All petitions for academic concession during exam periods require supporting documentation. Petitions for final exams can be submitted in advance of the final exam if you know you will have to miss the exam. Otherwise, petitions should be submitted as soon as possible and no later than 48 hours after the missed deadline. Check the grounds listed above for what are considered valid bases for academic concessions (medical, compassionate or conflicting responsibilities). It is important that the circumstances affecting you fall within one of these categories. Not all situations are valid reasons to miss a final exam. If you are unsure, please connect with an Academic Advisor at the UGO as soon as you know you will be missing the exam. To be eligible for end of term academic concessions: Petitions for final exams must include: For end-of-term concession (deferred standing and late withdrawal), initiate your petition as early as possible and ideally within 48 hours of the missed deadline. Petitions submitted after the deadlines listed below will not be considered: Personal Statement: An impact on future plans: Keep in mind that a deferred exam will likely have an impact on future plans. The SD standing might mean that you are not satisfying a prerequisite, progression or continuation requirement, which could mean delaying your degree. Deferred Standings may well delay graduation. You may not meet the prerequisite for a course, a specialization, progression or graduation until later than you expect. (see When do deferred exams take place, below) Stress and deadlines: Deferrals are a measure provided by the university in good faith, meant to support you when you are facing serious illness or significant extenuating circumstances. Deferrals are not meant to manage your exam schedule. UBC has many resources available to students that help with academic skills, course planning, stress management or wellbeing. We encourage you to make use of these great supports https://mybcom.sauder.ubc.ca/support. At UBC, we care about your wellbeing and are committed to supporting you in your academic pursuits. If you face significant extenuating circumstances during repeated exam periods, an Academic Advisor will reach out to you to ensure that you have the types of supports you need to ensure a balance between your wellbeing and your academics. We encourage students who have diagnoses for chronic conditions to work with CFA for academic accommodations, including for exams. It is not possible to defer a deferred exam. If you become ill or experience other extenuating circumstances before your deferred exam, you will not have the option to defer it again. If you are unable to complete a deferred course due to extenuating circumstances, you may submit a petition for an academic concession in the form of a late withdrawal (with a W standing). Your petition must be accompanied by supporting documentation. Please contact the UGO to meet with an Academic Advisor to discuss your situation soon as possible. Upon receipt of your petition, an Academic Advisor will review your petition. You may be contacted for additional information, or asked to meet with an Advisor. Most SD exams from the Winter (September to April) session take place in July/August. Most SD exams from the Summer session take place in November. However, some departments set alternate exam dates that are different from the official deferred exam period. These exceptions are not handled by Enrolment Services or the UGO, unless otherwise specified. If your course is listed at the link provided below, please follow their specific instructions. Note that it is your responsibility to ensure that you have familiarized yourself with the anticipated date(s) for your exam(s) and that you are prepared to write the SD exam as scheduled. Information on exams which are exceptions to the SD exam period can be found here https://students.ubc.ca/enrolment/exams/standing-deferred-supplemental-exams If you sit your exam, you are no longer eligible to defer it or to submit a petition for academic concession for it. Once you have started an exam, the grade stands. Academic concessions are not granted for exams that have been started and there are no additional opportunities that can be requested to increase a mark. If, during the exam, you feel too unwell to continue, you should notify an Exam Invigilator of your situation before leaving the exam. You should also immediately visit your nearest emergency department (https://www.vch.ca/en/health-topics/emergency-care) to get the care that you need and obtain medical documentation. You can connect with the UGO regarding the situation, as all such extraordinary events are reviewed by the UGO. However, there is no guarantee that you will be granted the opportunity to re-write the exam. All such events are evaluated on a case-by-case basis, with the circumstances carefully weighed in the context of academic integrity. Supporting documentation helps to confirm the details you have described in your personal statement. Documentation should relate to the nature of your circumstances. This can include medical documentation or other third-party documentation that verifies or vouches for your circumstances. Medical documentation does not need to include confidential details. We need confirmation that you were assessed by a doctor or other healthcare professional on a specific date, and that this healthcare professional verifies that there is indeed a condition that affected you at that time. If you have any questions about supporting documentation, talk to an Academic Advisor at the UGO. Please note that photos are not a valid form of supporting documentation. If your petition involves extremely personal information that would be distressing to include, then we ask that you book an appointment with an Academic Advisor to discuss your petition with them instead. The Advisor will determine the next steps for you, given your circumstances. Please note that photos are not a valid form of supporting documentation.Eligibility
Note on Supporting Documentation
2. Academic concessions for midterm exams
Note on Supporting Documentation
Exam Policy
If the basis of the concession petition is related to sexual or gender-based violence, we encourage you to connect with UBC’s Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office (SVPRO). SVPRO’s role is to provide support in ways that create safety for, and trust with, each individual client. This includes helping with the academic concession process. Please know that when a person chooses to speak with SVPRO, they are not reporting to the University. SVPRO cannot receive reports or conduct investigations. Information shared with SVPRO is confidential and cannot be shared with anyone else without express permission. 3. Academic concessions for final exams/final assessments
Guidelines for Deferred Standing petitions
Considerations for deferred standing petitions
Other considerations
Timeline for End of Term petitions
When do SD (deferred exams) take place?
Exam Policy
Note on Supporting Documentation
If the basis of the concession petition is related to sexual or gender-based violence, we encourage you to connect with UBC’s Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office (SVPRO). SVPRO’s role is to provide support in ways that create safety for, and trust with, each individual client. This includes helping with the academic concession process. Please know that when a person chooses to speak with SVPRO, they are not reporting to the University. SVPRO cannot receive reports or conduct investigations. Information shared with SVPRO is confidential and cannot be shared with anyone else without express permission.