Academic Concession

At UBC, we care about your wellbeing and are committed to supporting you in your academic pursuits. We recognize that sometimes unanticipated events or circumstances can affect your ability to complete your academic responsibilities.

Last updated: September 10, 2024

Academic Concessions

An academic concession is a form of support that allows for deferment of marked work so that you can complete a course's requirements. Academic concessions are granted if you meet the certain eligibility criteria, and in some circumstances, provide supporting documentation.  

If you are experiencing circumstances that interfere with your academic work, your best source of guidance is an Academic Advisor at the UGO. Academic Advisors are familiar with the university's policies and processes and are here to provide students with support and referrals.

Short-term Support: 

Academic concessions are meant to help with unexpected or short-term events. If you have a diagnosis for a chronic or long-term condition, we encourage you to connect with the Centre for Accessibility to ensure that you have the right support in place. If you aren’t sure if this is the right resource for you, you may contact them at or meet with an Academic Advisor at the UGO to discuss your circumstances and determine if CFA is the right place to go. 

Stress Management: 

 Academic concessions are not a tool for managing stressful situations like a big exam or multiple deadlines. UBC and UBC Sauder have an expansive selection of resources for you to make use of in terms of academic and wellness supports. We encourage you to make use of these! 

Students Facing Final Exam Clash or Exam Hardship: 

An exam hardship occurs when a student has three or more formal examinations scheduled within a 24-hour period (e.g., from 8:00 a.m. to 7:59 a.m. the following day). In this case, the student is eligible to request a new date and time for the second exam. An exam clash is when two exams are scheduled at the same time or overlap, requiring alternate arrangements. If you are experiencing any of these situations please visit the myBCom Exams page to learn more about your next steps and how to report exam clashes or hardships.

Valid grounds for academic concession: 

Conflicting Responsibilities
Medical Circumstances
Compassionate Grounds

Understanding academic concessions vs. academic accommodations

At UBC, there are two categories of academic accommodations: accommodations for students registered with the Centre for Accessibility, and religious accommodations for students who wish to participate in the practices of their own sincerely-held religious beliefs or for observances of cultural importance to First Nations, Métis, and Inuit students.

Academic accommodations for students with disabilities or ongoing medical conditions
Academic accommodations for religious observances and for the cultural observances of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Students

Applying for an academic concession

We ask that you review the process carefully. You may be asked for further details, documentation or to meet with an advisor, so we ask that you check your emails regularly. 

UBC Academic Concession Policy

1. In-term academic concessions for coursework

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2. Academic concessions for midterm exams

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3. Academic concessions for final exams/final assessments

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