Academic Progress Report (APR)


  • APR: Academic Progress Report
  • OAP: Overall Academic Progress
  • In excess: Extra Courses
  • Override: Manual update completed by the UGO
  • Didn’t Match: Course falls outside of academic requirements for your program
  • Didn’t Satisfy: Failed or repeated courses, or course falls outside of academic requirements for your program
  • In Progress: Course in progress (grade not yet available)
  • Credits Defined: Total number of credits needed for your degree
  • Requirements effective date: The date you were admitted to the program or declared your option
  • Class Standing: Year level

What is Academic Progress Report (APR)?

Your personalized APR in Workday Student is a tool to keep track of your degree requirements and credits. The APR replaces Degree Navigator (Degree Credit Check) as UBC’s degree audit tool and displays your academic requirements as listed on the corresponding UBC Academic Calendar entries for your program and your progression in the program.

Attention: APR Limitations

The APR has limitations and must be used in combination with our Course Planning Worksheets and Elective Checklist for accurate degree planning.

Be sure to check the Elective Checklist for electives not for credit in the BCom program.

Reading Your Academic Progress Report

Academic Progress Wheel

The Academic Progress Wheel shows you an estimate of the percentage of academic requirements you have completed for your program. An academic requirement may be a single course or a group of courses. There is one wheel for each program of study. A program of study can be an option, co-op, or, in some cases, a minor. You will only see one wheel for your primary option and a wheel for co-op if you are completing co-op.

The Academic Progress Wheel only provides a partial estimate of your progress toward degree completion. Because of this, the UGO will not use this wheel to assess your graduation requirements, as it is not a reliable indicator of your full progression toward degree completion.

Academic Progress Wheel and CO-OP

Key Components of Your APR

Unused RegistrationUnused registrations are courses you have completed or registered in that are not currently counting toward satisfying your academic requirements. Unused registrations include courses not for credit in the BCom program, repeated or failed courses, or extra courses taken that are not needed to fulfill BCom requirements.
Overall Academic Progress (OAP)The OAP section shows the total number of credits you need to complete for your degree. This section of the report counts the total number of credits in progress and completed, regardless of whether or not they satisfy particular degree requirements. Credits in Progress are included in Credits Satisfying. A status of "Satisfied" for the OAP is not necessarily indicative of degree completion. Do not rely on the OAP for an accurate number of remaining credits or degree completion.
Program RequirementsEach program of study will have a table that shows the academic requirements for that program. For each of these requirements, you will find the status of your progress, the remaining number of credits or courses required, the registrations used, the academic period when you took the course, and your letter grade earned. Please refer to your program requirements on myBCom and the Course Planning Worksheets.
ElectivesThe Electives requirement is not visible in your APR until you declare your option. Most students will be able to self-declare their option on Workday Student when they attain a Year 3 Class Standing. To determine the number of electives you need for your program and option, refer to the BCom electives requirements. BUCS electives will not appear on the APR. BUCS students still need to fulfill elective requirements. For electives planning, refer to our Elective Checklist and use it in combination with the Course Planning Worksheets.

Important Considerations 

Transfer Credit

Transfer Students

Viewing an Override

COMM 101 Override for Transfer Students

Issues with “One of” Requirement

In-Progress Excess Issue

Residency Rule edits

Special Topics Courses

Six Credit Courses Fulfilling Two 3-Credit requirements

Requirements Effective Date

APR Feedback Form

If you notice any inaccuracies, errors, or other issues within your APR on Workday, please use this form to report a detailed description of the issue so that it can be corrected.

APR Feedback Form

Accessing and Navigating Your Academic Progress Report on WDS

For a step-by-step guide on how to find your Academic Progress Report and navigate the Workday Student website, check out the Viewing Your Academic Progress Report tutorial.

APR & Your Year Level

Please select your year level below for further information on what to do if your courses or transfer credits are not applied to your APR.

Year 1 Students

The year one requirements outlined in your APR should be accurate, but if you have transfer credit that fulfills elective requirements, you will not see the credit in your APR until you declare your option in year 3. Do not rely on the APR for course planning purposes.You are expected to use our Course Planning Worksheets and Elective Checklist. If you notice any inaccuracies, errors, or other issues within your APR, please use this form to report a detailed description of the issue so that it can be corrected.

Year 2 Students

The year one and two requirements outlined in your APR should be accurate, but if you have transfer credit that fulfills elective requirements, you will not see the credit in your APR until you declare your option in year 3. Do not rely on the APR for course planning purposes. You are expected to use our Course Planning Worksheets and Elective Checklist. If you notice any inaccuracies, errors, or other issues within your APR, please use this form to report a detailed description of the issue so that it can be corrected.

Year 3 Students

Electives are not displayed in the APR until you declare your option. After you declare your option, overrides may need to occur. In most cases the overrides will not occur until you reach year 4. Do not rely on the APR for course planning purposes. You are expected to use our Course Planning Worksheets and Elective Checklist. If you notice any inaccuracies, errors, or other issues within your APR, please use this form to report a detailed description of the issue so that it can be corrected.

Year 4 Students

Your APR should correctly reflect your academic progression, and we recommend that you take a moment to review it. Please read the information on our website prior to viewing your APR. The APR has limitations and must be used in combination with our Course Planning Worksheets and Elective Checklist. If you notice any inaccuracies, errors, or other issues within your APR, please use this form to report a detailed description of the issue so that it can be corrected.

Academic Progress Report (APR) FAQs 

Why aren’t my transfer credits applying to my APR?

Why can’t I register in a course even though the APR says I have the pre-requisite?

Why is my co-op APR wheel not moving although I have completed some of the requirements?


This page will be updated as additional information becomes available. Please check back regularly.

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