• New Deadline to Graduate in November 2024

    If you plan to graduate in November 2024, you must apply for graduation by July 31, 2024 on the Student Service Centre.

    View fall graduation timeline

  • Welcome to myBCom

    Get advice from a team of dedicated professionals, every step of the way.

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  • Two students learning about academic integrity

    Learn about Academic Integrity

    Your honesty at UBC has an impact on the value of your degree and of those around you.

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Your first stop for planning degree requirements and learning about the many opportunities and services to help you make the most of your time at UBC Sauder.

About UBC Sauder

Get to know the people and places that make up the UBC Sauder community including the Undergraduate Office, the Canaccord Learning Commons, David Lam Library, Hari B. Varshney Business Career Centre, and more.

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Academic Success

Achieve academic success with help from math, research, and writing support programs, and the advice of experienced peers, program advisors, and career coaches.

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Global Reach

Extend your global reach through opportunities including study abroad and international initiatives.

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Career & Experience

Determine your strengths, explore career possibilities, share your story, and find work as you transition from academic to professional life.

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Courses, Money & Enrolment

Understand the requirements of your program, option and course selection, registration, exam and grading policies, scholarships and funding, academic opportunities, and graduation.

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Our team of dedicated professionals can help you plan and understand your degree requirements, achieve academic success, build job-finding skills , and develop strategies for your career development.

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