Group work rooms

The Canaccord Learning Commons has 16 groupwork rooms available to all UBC Sauder students. Our large rooms (six to eight person capacity) come equipped with a whiteboard and a digital screen. Our small rooms (two to three person capacity) located on the main level have a white board only. Whiteboard markers and erasers, as well as laptops and mac adapters for the screens, are available for loan at the Service Desk. These rooms are meant for academic purposes and should not be used for individual study, TA office hours, or club administration.

The Birmingham Undergraduate Centre, located on the first floor of the Henry Angus Building provides additional rooms for groupwork. There are also several more groupwork rooms located on the fourth floor of the Henry Angus building.  

Communal and silent study

The Learning Commons offers a variety of options for individual and group study. Communal tables where quiet conversation is permitted are available on the main floor for individuals and small groups. Both the main and upper floors feature Silent Study areas. Study carrels are available on the upper floor, and all come equipped with a plug for electronics.

Computer workstations

Computer terminals and printers are available in the main area of the main and upper level. Additionally, there is a small computer lab on the main level (adjacent to Silent Study) with more computers, access to datastream and Capital IQ, and a Bloomberg terminal.

Need a quiet space for a group work meeting or study session?

Visit the UBC Sauder Room Bookings site to reserve a room. Bookings are limited to two hours in length. To ensure wide access, individuals and groups may only make one booking per day. Rooms may only be used for academic purposes, organizations and student clubs should find alternate meeting space.

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