Courses and Registration

Course search

You can identify Commerce courses at UBC by the COMM and COHR subject codes. Most Commerce courses are restricted to students in the BCom program, however, some COMM courses, primarily those that are part of the Minor in Commerce, are intended for students studying in other faculties.

Explore Commerce courses

Registering for courses

With forethought and careful planning, registration can be simple and straightforward. Before you register, create a course plan, prepare for contingencies, and be open to making changes along the way.

Get ready to register

Registration assistance

The Undergraduate Office will help you make registration changes if you have unavoidable time conflicts between Commerce requirements, or if required Commerce courses are full. Commerce instructors cannot add you to their courses. Learn more about how, when, and why to submit a request.

Submit a registration request

Summer courses

Planning to be around during the summer? Consider taking up to 12 credits during the summer session to work ahead or be able to take a lighter course load during the winter session.

Plan your summer session

Requesting documentation

Need a letter to confirm your enrolment in the BCom program for your study permit, or completion of degree requirements for your post-graduation work permit or an employer? We can help.

Request documentation

Taking courses outside of UBC

Once admitted to UBC, you are generally expected to complete your degree requirements at UBC through on-campus or UBC Distance Learning courses, or on Go Global exchange. In certain circumstances you can be granted permission to study outside of UBC with a Letter of Permission (LOP).

Request a Letter of Permission

Academic Progress Report (APR)

The APR replaces Degree Navigator as UBC’s degree audit tool and displays your academic requirements as listed on the corresponding UBC Academic Calendar entries for your program and your progression in the program. The APR has limitations and must be used in combination with our Course Planning Worksheets and Elective Checklist for accurate degree planning.

Learn more

Get advice

Our team of dedicated professionals can help you plan and understand your degree requirements, achieve academic success, build job-finding skills , and develop strategies for your career development.

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