COMM 498 - International Business Management
Many aspects of business decisions are affected by issues of international nature. These international business issues are broadly classified into the following five categories: country factors, the global monetary system, global trade and investment environment, the structure of international operations, and operation-specific issues. In this course some of the important topics from each of these categories will be discussed. Application of analytical concepts and methods as well as development of communication skills will be emphasized. The course is integrative by design and you are encouraged to apply your knowledge from other areas of business management to international business problems.
Learning objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, students will have the knowledge and skills to:
- identify the types of risks inherent in IB.
- identify the business circumstances where IB operations such as exporting, outsourcing and FDI can be profitable.
- identify the potential advantages and limitations international trade arrangements provide to firms.
- design IB operations with appropriate organizational structures.
- understand the role of culture, intellectual property rights and comparative advantage in IB operations.
Prerequisite: All of COMM 396 (formerly COMM 390), COMM 395. Fourth-year standing.