COMM 486G - Intrapreneurship

Is it possible to show the innovation and initiative of an entrepreneur from within the confines of an established company? How can executives encourage their employees to push into groundbreaking new processes and products?

The answers lie in intrapreneurship – the area we will explore in this dynamic, interactive course. We’ll tackle topics from intrapreneurship assessments through global trends, innovative project teams, customer sourcing, company resisters, i-culture building, incentives, breakthroughs and second-generation innovation.

In this course, you will be exposed to concepts from a broad range of fields including management and behavioural science, industrial design and consumer behavior.

We will enliven class concepts with diverse industry examples, leading-edge research and in-class exercises. You will get hands-on experience with well-vetted tools designed to encourage organizational innovation and initiative. We will organize live and virtual field trips.

You will be applying class concepts to a concrete, intrapreneurial project that you can do alone or in pairs.

Learning objectives

By the end of the course, you should:

  • understand core challenges and opportunities for intrapreneurs and the organizations that would host them.
  • have hands-on experience with internal innovation processes, tools and resources.
  • explore your own intrapreneurial style and goals.
  • benefit from the direct experience of having launched a focused, intrapreneurial project of your own.

Note: COMM 486G will not be offered in 2024W.

Course credits:

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