COMM 485 - Social Entrepreneurship
Social Entrepreneurship is about creating and leading organizations that strive to advance social change through innovative enterprise solutions that apply management tools and models to social and environmental issues. Some of the best known examples include, a distributed financing model for entrepreneurs in developing countries, and the Grameen Bank. This course will provide an overview of the field of social enterprise; outline the business structures and funding methods used by social entrepreneurs; illustrate the mechanics, tensions, and realities of starting and/or managing a social enterprise; and engage students in hands-on experience with real social ventures.
Learning objectives
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- identify the key similarities and differences between business and social entrepreneurship.
- assess the potential value of a social enterprise.
- identify best practices for successful social entrepreneurship.
- generate a business plan for a social enterprise.
Note: COMM 485 was formerly numbered COMM 386E and titled Social Enterprise. The two courses are equivalent. You may only receive credit for one, not both.