COMM 470 - Venture Capital
The course aims to familiarize students with the workings of venture capital funds and venture capital financing. Students will be acquainted with the theory and empirical evidence concerning venture capital markets. The course will cover contracting, fundraising, and financing choice in-depth, with the aim of catering to students interested in raising venture capital financing as entrepreneurs, investing in innovative companies as angels, or working at venture capital or private equity funds. Students will learn:
- How the venture capital industry is structured
- How venture capitalists source and select investments
- How venture capital investment contracts (term sheets) are structured
- How venture capitalists value companies
- How to evaluate venture capital as an asset class
The course is for both those who want to work at a venture capital fund, at a startup, or as an asset manager investing in venture capital funds.
Prerequisite: COMM 370 or COMM 387.
Note: Formerly numbered COMM 386G. If you've completed the course as COMM 386G, you are not permitted to take it again as COMM 470 (you cannot receive credit for the same course twice).